пʼятниця, 17 квітня 2020 р.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Thursday, the sixteenth of April
Lesson 13
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Task 1. Look through the words and learn them. (Переглянь слова та вивчи їх).
The Very Hungry Caterpillar


light [laɪt] світло
still [stɪl] досі
hungry [ˈhʌŋgri] голодний
stomachache [ˈstʌməkeɪk] біль в животі
morning [ˈmɔːnɪŋ] ранок
night [naɪt] ніч
moon [muːn] місяць
eat through [iːt θruː] проїсти, прогризти
felt [fɛlt] почувався
pickle [ˈpɪkl]маринований огірок
cone [kəʊn]ріжок
nibble [ˈnɪbl] гризти

Task 2. Read the text and translate it. (Прочитай текст та переклади його).

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
In the light (світло) of the moon (місяць) a little egg lay (лежав) on a leaf.
One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and pop! Out of the egg came a tiny (крихітна) and very hungry caterpillar.
He started to look for (шукати) some food.
On Monday he ate through (прогриз) one apple. But he was still (досі) hungry.
On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry.
On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.
On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry.
On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.
On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice cream cone, one pickle (маринований огірок), one slice of cheese, one slice of salami, one lolipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, one slice of watermelon. That night he had a stomachache (біль в животі)!
The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, and after that he felt (почувався) much better (набагато краще).
Now he wasn’t hungry anymore (більше не був голодний) - and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more. He was a big, fat caterpillar.
He built a small house, called a cocoon (chrysalis), around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled (прогриз) a hole (дірка) in the cocoon, pushed (виштовхнув) his way (шлях) out (назовні).
He was a beautiful butterfly!

Task 3. Do the exercises to remember the text. Виконай вправи, щоб краще запамятати текст.

Click to do some more exercises: Exercises

Task 4. Retell the story about the very hungry Caterpillar. Use the presentation to help you. Перекажи історію про голодну гусінь. Використай презентацію для опори.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

 Musical instruments Possessive Pronouns  Revision Look at the picture then read and complete.